Feasibility Study for Extension of Existing Underground Mining Operation of Barapukuria Coal Mine Towards The Southern and The Northern Side of The Basin without Interruption of The Present Production
Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (BCMCL)
Chowhati, Parbatipur, Dinajpur
Feasibility Study Overview
Barapukuria Coal Mine (Barapukuria) is currently the only actively producing coal mine in Bangladesh. The mine is 240 km Northwest of Dhaka and 25 km south of Saidpur, the nearest major centre and regional airport. The mine produces approximately 1.0 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of product coal which is consumed by the adjacent Barapukuria Power Plant, a 2 x 125 MW plant, and other domestic users. Mine construction commenced in 1994 with first production in 2005. Construction of a 1 x 250 MW unit is being finalised
The objectives of the Feasibility Study are to determine
- Report the resources and reserves (in accordance with the JORC Code).
- Identify suitable mining method and annual production in the Southern Part of the basin and far south part of the lease area; and the Northern Part of the present mining area.
- Provide 1.2 Mtpa of mine output, without disruption to the current mine activities in the Central Area.
- Analyse the hydrological conditions, the number of slices that can be mined, the quantity of coal that can be mined, the life of mine, etc.
- Provide a mine design and project feasibility, including Environment Impact Assessment, Environment Management Plan, and Socio-Economic Impacts Assessment.
- Determine the economic viability of mining the proposed expansion mining areas.
Feasibility Study Scope of Work
The Feasibility Study is a multi-faceted program of work. The key stages are:
- Preliminary
- Review available data and design exploration programs.
- Completion of topographic survey and provision of report.
- Exploration
- 3-D Seismic Survey
- Exploration Drilling and Analysis
- Development of Reports:
- Exploration Report, including drilling data - Geology Report
- Resource Statement - Geotechnical Analysis Report
- Hydrogeological Study Report - 3-D Seismic Study Report In addition, the following models have been developed:
- Geological Structure and Coal Quality Model, using Vulcan software.
- Groundwater Model, using MIKE-SHE software.
- Environment
- Provide the following reports:
- Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) - Environment Management Plan (EMP)
- Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SIA)
- Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R) Plan.
- Community Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and costs.
- Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
- Mine Design and Feasibility Study